Thursday, September 22, 2016

Best Face Products for Sensitive Skin


Unfortunately, I am one of those who was blessed with sensitive skin. I have those rosy cheeks that people tend to think are adorable, but I wish would go away. Over the years I have tried many products that diminish the redness as well as make my skin feel good. After much trial and error, I have found several products that seem to work well for me. Though everyone's skin is different, I feel as though these products are worth a try for anyone with sensitive skin or even those with other skin types.

Makeup Eraser

I know when you look at this it looks like a basic hand towel. I also wondered about the validity of this odd product before I started using it. The basic idea is you are supposed to fully wet this cloth and wipe your face with it removing all of your make up with it. I was skeptical at first, but it actually does a pretty good job. I still like to go over my face with eye makeup remover and cleasing water to fully remove all of the makeup I cover my face with. The best part about the Makeup Eraser is that it is incredibly soft and does not cause any irritation.

Eye Makeup Remover

I have tried a TON of eye makeup removers. Either they are so strong that they irritate my eyes and leave them sore and red or they don't remove any of my make-up. I started using the Neutrogena oil free makeup remover and I feel like it is the best of both worlds. It does a good job of removing my makeup without causing any redness or irritation.

Cleansing Water
I am not too picky about cleansing waters. I have used a couple different ones in the past and they all seem to work pretty well and and fairly gentle. This Micellar Cleansing Water by Garnier does what its supposed to. It removes my makeup and feels as gentle as water.

Face Wash

A lot of people, myself included, feel that it is enough to just use eye makeup remover and cleansing water to clean your face. However, neither of these products are actually meant to really deep clean the skin. They were invented to remove makeup. After you remove your makeup, you still need to clean your skin. That's where face wash comes in. I feel like a good face wash is the hardest thing to find when you have sensitive skin. I have tried many and some are irritating, some have a weird consistency, and some feel like they do nothing. This redness solutions soothing cleanser by Clinique is my favorite face wash. It has a creamy smooth consistency and it leaves my face feeling calm and clean. It is a little bit pricey, but I think it is well worth it. Plus, it is formulated to help with redness.



I have to be honest until very recently, I had absolutely no idea what tone actually did and why I should waste my time using it. A toner is a a liquid solution that removes dirt, oil, and left over makeup from the skin. Good toners add moisture to your skin and helps prep your skin for moisturizer. Toners are great for any skin type. Toners are made from different products depending on what your skin needs. This Eau Roma Water Toner from lush contains rose water which is great for sensitive skin and for hydration.  Toner should be used after the face is well cleansed.



Lush is a great company for those with sensitive skin. They use ingredients that are safe and natural. They also have a lot of products that are geared towards sensitive skin. This Celestial face moisturizer is the best. It has a light scent that is in no way over powering. It goes on the skin smoothly and adds a lot of moisture without causing irritation. I have been using it for about six months and I feel like my skin has never looked better.

Though it can be hard to find products that work for your skin, I hope these products will help keep your skin calm and feeling good. Definitely give them a try, especially if you, too, have sensitive skin. If anyone has any other holy grail skin products, let me know in the comments below.

XO Tres Chic Lifestyle

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Canning Homemade Strawberry Jam


One of my favorite feel good snacks is toast with jam. I don't really know why, but I just love toast, and what better to put on toast than jam. If you really want to be fancy, adding peanut butter only enhances the experience. Now, I am definitely not a snob when it comes to jam, any brand does the job for me. However, a couple of years ago, I decided to grow strawberries, and I ended up having a ridiculous amount of strawberries. Other than just popping them in my mouth (which was still delicious) I didn't know what to do with all of these strawberries. After looking up some ideas, I realized that making my own jam could be fun and interesting.

I was slightly overwhelmed at first, but as usual, I did my research and tackled the task. Throughout the process, I learned a few things. First,  homemade jam is the BEST, second, it's ridiculously easy, third, it makes a great gift. Since then, I make jam all the time. The recipe I used came from The Pioneer Woman. It's a great recipe, and has worked out well for me.


Since I make jam a couple times a year, I usually just buy strawberries. Recently, I have been pretty strict on the strawberries I buy because I have been reading so many negatives about certain foods and the pesticides used on them. I am especially careful since I will be canning the strawberries to use later. Strawberries tend to contain more pesticides than most other fruits and vegetables. However, organic strawberries usually have far less pesticides used on them. Even though organic strawberries are more expensive, I feel like they are important for this purpose.


Other than strawberries, this process uses very few ingredients. The only other food items that the recipe requires are granulated sugar, whole lemons, and fruit pectin. You might be asking, "What in the world is fruit pectin?" Well, it's actually something that is found in most fruit and it is what causes fruit to thicken when boiled. However, even though it occurs in fruit, it order for it to actually thicken the substance, it takes a REALLY long time. Adding the fruit pectin allows you to make delicious jam in a much shorter amount of time. You should be able to find it in most grocery stores. In my grocery store, it is located with the glass jars and plastic containers, but I am sure each store is different, so you my have to go on a scavenger hunt to find it.

Along with the food ingredients, you will also need a mason jars. You can reuse jars you already have, however, you need to replace the lids each time. It is also important to make sure that if you are reusing jars that they do not have cracks or chips. You will also need 2 large pots, one to sterilize your jars and one to make your jam. I would also recommend a canning utensil set, which contain a wide mouth funnel and jar tongs to easily remove the jars. Though this process takes a bit of time, you end up with 8 jars of jam, which is a lot of jam.


5 cups of strawberries (they need to be washed, hulled, and mashed)
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 package of fruit pectin powder (49 gram size)
6 cups of sugar


To sterilize the jars, place the empty jars in a pot of boiling water. Place the lids in a separate pot with boiling water. If the water looks as though it will boil over, you can turn the flame slightly lower. Leave the jars and lids in the water while the jam is cooking.

In a separate large pot add the mashed strawberries and lemon juice. Add the pectin and continue to stir until it is fully incorporated. Cook the mixture over medium high heat until it boils. Once the mixture comes to a hard boil, add the sugar all at once.

Bring the mixture to a strong boil once again. Once the it is strongly boiling, let it continue to boil for 1 minute and 15 seconds. Turn off heat. You will notice white foam on the top of the mixture. Use a large spoon to remove and discard this foam.

Using tongs, remove jars and lids from the pots. Make sure the jars do not have any water in them. Using a wide mouthed funnel, fill each jar with the strawberry jam. The jars should be filled fully leaving only 1/4" of space at the top. Try to remove any air bubbles from the jar by running a knife around the inside of the jars. Make sure that there is no jam on the outside of the jars. Just a side note, anything that touches the jars, jam, or lid should be fully cleaned or sterilized. Place the lids securely on top of the jars. Do not over tighten the lids, they should be tighten just enough to secure them.

Place the jars into the large water filled pot. It may help to use a canning rack to lower the jars into the pot. Turn the heat on to high and cover the pot. Once the water comes to a strong boil, set a timer for 12 minutes. After 12 minutes has passed, turn off the heat, but leave the jars in the water for an additional 5 minutes. Carefully remove jars from the heat using canning tongs. Put the filled jars aside for at least 24 hours.

If you are using jars that have a lid with a center piece and outer ring, remove the outer ring after 24 hours. Make sure the center piece has is secured. If the center piece are fully secured, replace the outer ring and tighten completely. If any do not seem secure, place them in the refrigerator and use right away because they did not sterilize completely. Though it's always best to check USDA website to see how long the jam will stay fresh and recommendations for sterilization, I find that mine last for at least 3 months.


I hope this recipe and the canning process work as well for you as it has for me. Making strawberry jam is a good introduction to the world of canning. I encourage you to try other canning recipes and have fun experimenting with your own ideas. Canned goods are great gifts for the holidays and also great treats in the winter to remind us of fond summer days. Enjoy!

Recipe adapted from The Food Network
XO Tres Chic Lifestyle

Thursday, September 1, 2016

ColourPop Cosmetics Lip Gloss

colour pop

    My lip gloss obsession started at about 11 years old when I'd get Lip Smackers products in my stocking for Christmas, thanks Mom! I had it all, sparkle, shiny, clear, flavors! you name it. Lip gloss was my thing and something I felt naked without. 
This lip gloss was my LIFE when I was about 13 years old- haha!

  I grew out of the lip gloss phase when I was probably about 20 years old, and since then I have been wearing regular/liquid lipstick. I bought a few glosses here and there throughout the years from the drug store, but could never find anything that I became hooked on.

I always want to try the high-end lip glosses but since I prefer lipsticks over gloss, I would rather splurge on them and spend less on gloss. So when I saw that Colour Pop launched their new Ultra Glossy Lip, I figured why not give these a try. Of course I was tempted by swatches of pretty, creamy glosses. Once again ColourPop reeled me right in! oh, and hello? They are $6.00!

swatches with flash- please ignore my curling wand scar where the word floss is!

These glosses come in four types of finish: metallic, creme, sheer, and glossy. First up I have a creme finish called Weho. It is described as a creamy beige finish, and that's exactly what it is.It is the perfect nude. It glides on so smooth and is super opaque on the lips. I try not to rub my lips together after applying so that it keeps the opaque look. With this particular color, I use a natural colored lip liner to prevent the gloss from bleeding. They're not sticky or tacky whatsoever but obviously, not transfer proof, so be prepared to see your lips all over your Starbuck's cup. :)

colour pop lip gloss weho
Weho Creme finish

colour pop
Weho Creme finish

Next up is Bestie, which is also a creme finish. It is a mid-tone pink nude. I love this color pink in a gloss. It is the perfect pink for my skin-tone. I also have been layering  these glosses on top of a lipstick.

bestie lip gloss
Bestie Creme finish

Finally, I have a sheer finish. This one is called Fairy Floss. It is described as  a pale beige. I like this one for adding just a little shine to my lips but my natural lip color is still showing. It is also perfect on top of nude lipstick.
colour pop lip gloss
Fairy Floss sheer finish

I love these formulas, and glad that I took the risk if ordering them and giving some lip gloss another chance! 

Xo TresChic 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Skincare: Legs & Body

skin care routine

  When it comes to skin care routines, I can be a little lazy. I always hated moisturizing. The whole process of lathering lotion all over my body and rubbing it all in is just something I don't enjoy doing! So of course when the spray on moisturizer came out a few years ago, you know I was all over that! It's fast application and dries with no residue.

Now let's talk shaving. I'm guilty of using my body wash in the shower to shave when I run out of shaving cream, and I don't mean for just one day. <insert scared face emoji> In the winter my skin has been so dry from the lack of TLC given to my legs, so when this summer came I knew I had to put an end to my dull legs and bring them back life! 

I realized that I need to exfoliate before shaving. As we know, exfoliating removes dead skin and by doing so, you get the cleanest slate for your razor to get the closest shave.
Meet my two new best friends:

dry skin

This sugar scrub is formulated with oat kernel and avocado oils and smells so good.
I apply it starting at my ankles and scrub/massage up in circular motions. The sugar granules aren't rough at all, like some exfoliators can be. (If you're feeling a DIY , you can totally just make your own exfoliator )I then rinse the scrub off and apply the shave oil one leg at a time. This shave oil is made with organic shea butter and blend of natural oils. I have gotten the closest shave and my legs are the smoothest they've ever been! (boyfriend agrees :D ) I definitely would like to try out more of this brand's products!

Sugar Scrub

Finally, there's the in-shower body lotion. This is right up my alley. Right before I get out of the shower I apply this and the result is not disappointing. It does exactly what it claims to do which is moisturize, hydrate and leaves no sticky residue.  I am especially excited to use this lotion in the winter when my skin is the most dry. Getting out of the hot shower in the winter time is dreadful and the last thing I want to do is use my spray on moisturizer. So this is perfect.

skincare routine

Xo Tres Chic

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Raspberry Cheesecake Macarons

I have long been petrified of the French macaron. They are one of the more technically advanced desserts you can make. I have been baking regularly since I was ten years old, and I would consider myself a pretty good baker, yet macarons are something that give me nightmares. A few years ago, I decided to tackle the elusive macaron, however, it proved to be as disastrous I anticipated. Recently, though, I have been determined to finally make a successful macaron, maybe it's watching all of those Olympians achieve their dreams. Though my dreams are no where near as lofty or as ambitious, I decided that I, too, can achieve a goal, even if it is only in baking.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Summer Dress Outfits

During the summer months I love to wear dresses more than any other item of clothing. Pants are a no-go where I am from since more than likely it is around 90 degrees everyday. Though I like wearing shorts, I feel like dresses are just more comfy and so much cuter! I like to have an assortment of dresses in my closet so that I have some that are more casual and some that are dressier. I even love having dresses that can be dressed up or down so that they can be worn anywhere. I also like to have an idea of what shoes/bags/jewelry I can wear with each dress so that in the morning I don't have to spend an hour picking out my outfit (I'd much rather use that time doing my hair and makeup). Here are some of my favorite summer outfits from 2016!

Outfit 1

I love this outfit because it's casual so I can wear it anywhere like to an afternoon lunch or a trip to the mall. It is very fun and girly, and the print just screams summer. I like the look of pairing the slightly larger bag with the flowy feminine dress.

Dress-Urban Outfitters (this one is similar)
Bag-Nordstrom (It's currently on sale for half off!)
Shoes-American Eagle

Outfit 2

This dress can be casual, but because of the cutouts on the side, it would make a great summer evening dress as well. I like to wear this outfit for casual night events. This would work well for going to dinner or even a walk around town. The longer necklace compliments the higher neckline on the dress. The bag is a great size because it is not too big or overwhelming.

Dress-American Eagle
Bag-Urban Outfitters (this is a similar one)
Necklace-Forever 21(this one is similar)

Outfit 3

I love this outfit because it is the perfect mix of girly and tough. I've been obsessed with chokers lately, and I love the look of the choker with this floral shirt dress. I am also obsessed with wearing these Birkenstocks with a more girly look. I feel like they add a needed toughness to the look. The clutch, on the other hand, adds a perfect elegance to the outfit.

Bag-Michael Kors
Necklace -Asos
Glasses-Henry Bendel (These are unavailable, but they are similar to the Ray-Bans from outfit 1.)

Outfit 4

This is the dressiest of all the looks, but I love having a dressier outfit in my wardrobe especially for last minute events. This outfit can be dressed up even more. However, I love these more casual sandals with this dress. The dainty necklace is perfect because it does not take away from the dress. This dress makes me feel like a princess because it is slightly full at the bottom.

Dress-Banana Republic (This one is a similar style)
Necklace-Forever 21
Clutch- Coach

Outfit 5

This might just be my favorite look. I love the pattern of this dress especially when it's paired with the gold jewelry. This is a perfect day to night outfit. The denim jacket is perfect for those cooler summer nights.

Dress-American Eagle (This one is similar)
Bag-Urban Outfitters
Jacket-American Eagle
Necklace-Forever 21
Bracelet-Forever 21 (This one is similar)
Shoes-American Eagle (These are similar)

I hope some of these outfits have inspired you to wear more dresses this summer!

XO Tres Chic Lifestyle

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

M&M Cookie Bars


Recently I've been craving M&M cookies. The type you might find at Mrs. Fields. They tend to be my cookie of choice whenever I buy cookies. Even the smell of cookies makes my mouth water for them. There's just something about cookies with candy, especially M&Ms that I just love. 

I've  been looking for a recipe that has a similar taste to those very familiar cookies. While on the hunt, I happened to stumble upon this incredibly easy recipe for M&M Cookie Bars, so I thought I'd give them a try. It turns out that not only were they super easy to make they were absolutely delicious as well. They are gooey and moist with a deliciously buttery flavor not to mention the scrumptious taste of M&Ms in each bite. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Summer Makeup Essentials: Drugstore

Well summer is officially here and for most of us that means many more outdoor activities. During the summer I like to wear as little makeup as possible, or at least wear the right type of makeup during hot days. Here are just a few of my go-to favorites from the drugstore.

bb cream
 For my face, I absolutely love using a BB/CC cream. This one from REVLON is super lightweight, has SPF, moisturizes, and blurs flaws. I apply it with a damp beauty blender, it goes on smooth and has light to medium coverage which can be built up.  It can be worn alone or on top of moisturizer. I my apply it on top of my  moisturizer and primer once they set. I think that the finish is much better that way. I usually just apply it to the lower portion of my face. (cheeks, chin and around my jawline/neck)

 Okay, so as always I need concealer for my dark circles. So I actually just purchased this about a week ago. The only two concealers I have are Bye Bye Undereye by IT Cosmetics, and Naked Skin by Urban Decay. I ran out of my Urban Decay so one day while I was at Rite Aid I browsed through the concealers and chose this one from Rimmel London and I am super pleased with it! I might actually like it more than both my other ones!! It is a 2 in 1 highlight + conceal. It is the perfect shade which also adapts to your skin tone.  It does have a brush applicator which I don't prefer to use, so I just squeeze some out onto my damp beauty blender to apply and its blends FLAWLESSLY! I have not experienced any creasing either which is always the biggest concern with concealing the under eye area.

drugstore bronzer

 Next up is BRONZER! Another recent purchase. I saw this on of my favorite beauty blogger's channel. Um, hi. It's waterproof. I mainly wanted to try this to see how it holds up being on the beach/outdoors in the hot weather. I haven't tested that yet, but will know in a few weeks when I'm at the beach for a week :)  So far I like this for the price ($4.99) yet the quality is still great. It blends easily, with good pigmentation and has a smooth formula with a natural feel. This bronzer comes in four shades and I believe some have shimmer. I have the shade Sun Bronze which is matte and does not have any shimmer in it. I usually use Too Faced Chocolate Soleil  but so far I'm liking this more inexpensive one enough to not buy high end bronzer anymore!


I don't wear blush every day, but when I do I go for these particular blushes in the summer: Colour Pop Cosmetics Super Shock blush. Obviously these are not sold at the drugstore, but as everyone knows Colour Pop is so affordable that it falls into the category.  The two I have are Holiday and Prenup and they are $8.00.  These blushes are the absolute best, especially for hot days. As we all know blush usually wears off quickly, and is usually the first thing to fade on your face throughout the day. These swatches on my hand are obviously excessive to show the color pigmentation. Let me just say that a few hours after I took this picture, I washed dishes and the color obviously faded but still stayed on my hand. I should have taken an after picture! These are a creamy formula, not sticky at all and the way I apply these are with my ring finger. I lightly dab onto my cheek for a hint of color and like I said, it lasts! If you have not tried Colour Pop products yet and decide to, proceed with caution because you may become obsessed :) This won't be the last time I talk about my love for this brand!

waterproof mascara

This might be my most favorite thing to talk about. This mascara has been LIFE. It's by Essence and is definitely one of my new favorite drugstore brands which I buy at Ulta and Target. This has been my favorite waterproof mascara I have ever tried. I actually bought this in the winter time because I was realizing that my EXPENSIVE mascara was wearing off during the day. So this caught my eye while wandering around in Ulta, and to say I love it is an understatement. It gives me so much volume as the bottle claims, and stays put ALL day. The brush is big but not to the point where it's a mess when applying. I make sure to have completely bare lashes (none left over from the day before! haha)  then I curl them, apply a clear coat of mascara and then apply the waterproof. At night, I remove the mascara using coconut oil. I've gotten some other things from Essence and have been super pleased with them!

 As I mentioned above, I apply this Clear Great Lash before applying my actual mascara. I feel it gives me an extra layer of volume and helps the mascara go on super smooth without clumping. I recently stopped applying mascara to my bottom lashes due to them touching my face and giving me racoon eyes, so I only apply this to the bottom because it still gives them some life! I also use this on my brows to hold them in place after filling them in.

 I don't wear black eyeliner in my waterline, but I do like to wear nude. It  gives my eyes a more open and brighter look.  It glides on smooth and doesn't irritate my eyes. It is also waterproof. I'm now realizing as I write this that I must really enjoy the Rimmel London brand since I've talked about three of their products!

nyx setting spray

Finally there's the setting spray. I like this one from NYX. It comes in a matte and dewy finish.  It definitely does it's job keeping you matte. I mainly spray it on my forehead, nose and cheek bone area.  

That completes my summer makeup essentials from the drugstore! If you haven't tried any of these, I hope you do and enjoy them as much I do. 

Happy Summer!
 Xo Tres Chic